How to get a Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement Certificate – Malta Interactive Portal Skip to content

How to get a Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement Certificate (RHA)

Registration for Healthcare Entitlement for UK Nationals under the Reciprocal Health Agreement between Malta and the UK

The purpose of this registration scheme is to facilitate access for national public healthcare services for UK nationals who otherwise would not be entitled.

Follow this information to obtain this service:


  • Persons registered with the Entitlement Unit under this scheme will be issued with an entitlement certificate hereinafter referred to as the RHA Entitlement Certificate.
  • Persons issued with the RHA Entitlement Certificate will be entitled for free healthcare services in local public healthcare institutions on an in-patient and out-patient basis as well as other specialist services provided for Maltese nationals.

RHA Entitlement Certificate holders will not be entitled to:

  • Treatment abroad including the UK
  • The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
  • Long-term care and other things and services provided for under the Social Security Act and other legislation (including free medicine under the POYC’s Schedule V scheme).

Who is eligible for the Service?

UK passport holders who are ordinary residents of Malta and who are not covered for healthcare through EU Regulations on the Coordination of Social Security.

Applying for an RHA Entitlement Certificate

Registration for this scheme requires that a separate application form be submitted for each person.

  • A copy of a valid UK passport is required with each RHA Certificate application:
    • If you are applying in person, you must present your valid UK passport.
    • If you are sending the application form via email or applying electronically, please include a copy of your valid UK passport.
  • Persons who are not yet in possession of a MT residence permit may still apply for this scheme by presenting an official
    acknowledgement letter/Interim Receipt from Identity Malta and will be issued with a Provisional Certificate valid for one (1) year.

You can apply by:

  • Downloading a form by clicking here, fill it in and send on the below indicated postal address.
  • Collecting an application form from the Entitlement Unit and returning it to the Ground Floor, Ex-Outpatient Block, St Luke’s Hospital, G’Mangia Hill, G’Mangia, Malta.

Renewing an RHA Entitlement Certificate

The issued certificate will be valid for two (2) years. Applications for renewals will be received up to one (1) month before the expiry date. In cases where you are applying before the certificate`s expiry date, the still valid card must be submitted with the application for a new certificate to be issued.

What are the Applicant’s obligations?

Applicants are obliged to provide correct information and supporting documents requested by the Entitlement Unit. Applications which are incorrectly filled or lacking supporting documentation will not be processed.

A valid Maltese ID Card  must be presented each time the certificate holder requires in-patient or out-patient services in national public healthcare institutions.

The Entitlement Unit must be informed if a certificate holder:

  • Dies
  • Starts work or starts getting a state pension from another country
  • Moves address in Malta, or to another country including the UK.

What will the Entitlement Unit provide in return?

The Entitlement Unit will process the RHA Entitlement Certificate the same day of the receipt of application including all requirement documents. Certificate are handed over to the citizen when physically present or sent by post on the same day.

Quick Steps to get your RHA

Step 1

Download the app

Step 2

Choose to Request a RHA

Step 3

Fill in the information Required

Step 4

Get your RHA in the post

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This page was last updated on 01 Febuary 2023