Malta: First Country with all 99 BUCs in Production

Meet the Malta Team

Congratulations to the Malta EESSI team!

Do you know their key success factors?

  •  Malta recognized from the start the complexity of EESSI.
  • For the last 2 years, they organised regular awareness sessions with high level stakeholders and clerks; EESSI was not a surprise to any actor nationally.
  • Malta has a stable, focused, dedicated EESSI team that consists of a balanced mix of technical as well as business experts. Team was committed to succeeding in going live with all BUCs at the June 2019 Production gate, following a detailed EESSI national plan and respecting its milestones.
  • For national EESSI preparation training needs analysis was conducted and various training methods applied, including classroom training, job shadowing and mentoring.
  • Malta EESSI team is more than willing to collaborate with any EESSI colleagues in other Countries to exchange their experience.


“Being first [to be in Production with all BUCs] is not always great, it is a bit like a baby starting to walk, there will be falls. We will try to ensure that the falls will be as minimal as possible and used as a learning experience.”    Michelle Galea, EESSI SPOC














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